Deploy Local Sedna Cluster

The local-up script boots a local Kubernetes cluster, installs latest KubeEdge, and deploys Sedna based on the Sedna local repository.

Use Case

When one is contributing new features for Sedna, codes like AI algorithms under testing can be frequently changed before final deployment. When coding in that case, s/he would suffer from tortured re-installations and frequent failures of the whole complicated system. To get rid of the torments, one can use the local-up installation, embraced the single-machine simulation for agiler development and testing.


It requires:

  • 2 CPUs or more

  • 1GB+ free memory

  • 5GB+ free disk space

  • Internet connection(docker hub, github etc.)

  • Linux platform, such as ubuntu/centos

  • Docker 17.06+

  • A local Sedna code repository

Then you can enter Sedna local code repository, and create a local Sedna cluster with:

bash hack/

In more details, this local-up script uses kind to create a local K8S cluster with one master node, and joins the K8S cluster by running KubeEdge.

In another terminal, you can see them by using kubectl get nodes -o wide:

NAME                  STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION                   INTERNAL-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE             KERNEL-VERSION       CONTAINER-RUNTIME
edge-node             Ready    agent,edge             3d21h   v1.19.3-kubeedge-v1.6.1   <none>        Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS   4.15.0-128-generic   docker://20.10.2
sedna-control-plane   Ready    control-plane,master   3d21h   v1.20.2               <none>        Ubuntu 20.10         4.15.0-128-generic   containerd://1.5.0-beta.3-24-g95513021e

You can login the master node with:

docker exec -it --detach-keys=ctrl-@ sedna-control-plane bash
# since the master node just uses containerd CRI runtime, you can alias the CRI cli 'crictl' as 'docker'
alias docker=crictl

After you have done developing, built worker image and want to run your worker into master node, your worker image should be loaded into the cluster nodes with:

kind load docker-image --name sedna <your-custom-worker-image>