Source code for lib.sedna.core.multi_edge_inference.data_classes

# Copyright 2021 The KubeEdge Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from datetime import datetime
from typing import List
from enum import Enum

# Class defining the possible operational modes of the service.
[docs]class OP_MODE(Enum):
[docs] DETECTION = "detection"
[docs] TRACKING = "tracking"
[docs] COVID19 = "covid19"
[docs] NOOP = "noop"
# Class defining the output of a ReID service.
[docs]class DetTrackResult: """ Base data object exchanged by the MultiEdgeInference components. """ def __init__( self, frame_index: int = 0, bbox: List = None, scene=None, confidence: List = None, detection_time: List = None, camera: int = 0, bbox_coord: List = [], tracking_ids: List = [], features: List = [], is_target: bool = False, ID: List = []): # Name of the enduser using the application, # used to bound the user to the results self.userID = "DEFAULT" # Video frame index number self.frame_index = frame_index # List of bounding boxes containing, for example, pedestrians self.bbox = bbox # List of tracking IDs, one per bbox self.tracklets = tracking_ids # Coordinates of each bbox self.bbox_coord = bbox_coord # Original video frame self.scene = scene # Confidence value of the detection pass self.confidence = confidence # When detection was triggered (date) self.detection_time = detection_time # ID of the camera where the video stream was acquired = camera # List of features extracted for each bbox self.features = features # Index of the target in the list of features self.is_target = is_target # List of subjects IDs associated to the list of features. # For example ['0002', '0001']. It depends on the ReID gallery. self.targetID = ID # Image key is used to uniquely identify the video # frame associated with this object try: _time = datetime.strptime( self.detection_time, "%a, %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S.%f").timestamp() self.image_key = f'{_time}_{}' except Exception as _: self.image_key = "0"
[docs]class TargetImages: def __init__(self, userid, targets=[]) -> None: self.userid = userid self.targets = targets
[docs]class Target: def __init__( self, _userid, _features, _targetid="0000", _tracking_id=None, _location=None, _frame_index=0) -> None: self.userid: str = _userid self.features: List = _features self.targetid: str = _targetid self.tracking_id: str = _tracking_id self.location: str = _location self.frame_index: int = _frame_index