Source code for lib.sedna.service.server.knowledgeBase.server

# Copyright 2021 The KubeEdge Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import json
import tempfile
from typing import List, Optional

import joblib
from pydantic import BaseModel
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile, Body
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse

from sedna.service.server.base import BaseServer
from sedna.common.file_ops import FileOps
from sedna.common.constant import KBResourceConstant
from sedna.common.config import Context

from .model import *

[docs]class KBUpdateResult(BaseModel): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ result """
[docs] status: int
[docs] tasks: Optional[str] = None
[docs]class TaskItem(BaseModel): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs] tasks: List
[docs]class KBServer(BaseServer): """ As knowledge base stored in sqlite, this class realizes creation, update and query of the sqlite. """ def __init__(self, host: str, http_port: int = 8080, workers: int = 1, save_dir=""): servername = "knowledgebase" super(KBServer, self).__init__(servername=servername, host=host, http_port=http_port, workers=workers) self.save_dir = FileOps.clean_folder([save_dir], clean=False)[0] self.url = f"{self.url}/{servername}" self.kb_index = KBResourceConstant.KB_INDEX_NAME.value self.seen_task_key = KBResourceConstant.SEEN_TASK.value self.unseen_task_key = KBResourceConstant.UNSEEN_TASK.value self.task_group_key = KBResourceConstant.TASK_GROUPS.value self.extractor_key = KBResourceConstant.EXTRACTOR.value = FastAPI( routes=[ APIRoute( f"/{servername}/update", self.update, methods=["POST"], ), APIRoute( f"/{servername}/update/status", self.update_status, methods=["POST"], ), APIRoute( f"/{servername}/query", self.query, response_model=TaskItem, response_class=JSONResponse, methods=["POST"], ), APIRoute( f"/{servername}/file/download", self.file_download, methods=["GET"], ), APIRoute( f"/{servername}/file/upload", self.file_upload, methods=["POST"], ), ], log_level="trace", timeout=600, )
[docs] def start(self): return
[docs] def query(self): pass
def _get_db_index(self): _index_path = FileOps.join_path(self.save_dir, self.kb_index) if not FileOps.exists(_index_path): # todo: get from kb pass return _index_path @staticmethod def _file_endpoint(files, name=""): if not (files and os.path.isfile(files)): return files filename = name or os.path.basename(files) return FileResponse(files, filename=filename)
[docs] async def file_download(self, files: str, name: str = ""): files = FileOps.join_path(self.save_dir, files) return self._file_endpoint(files, name=name)
[docs] async def file_upload(self, file: UploadFile = File(...)): files = await filename = str(file.filename) output = FileOps.join_path(self.save_dir, filename) with open(output, "wb") as fout: fout.write(files) return f"/file/download?files={filename}&name={filename}"
[docs] def update_status(self, data: KBUpdateResult = Body(...)): deploy = bool(data.status) tasks = data.tasks.split(",") if data.tasks else [] with Session(bind=engine) as session: session.query(TaskGrp).filter( ).update({ TaskGrp.deploy: deploy }, synchronize_session=False) # todo: get from kb _index_path = FileOps.join_path(self.save_dir, self.kb_index) task_info = FileOps.load(_index_path) new_task_group = [] # TODO: to fit seen tasks and unseen tasks default_task = task_info[self.seen_task_key][self.task_group_key][0] # todo: get from transfer learning for task_group in task_info[self.seen_task_key][self.task_group_key]: if not ((task_group.entry in tasks) == deploy): new_task_group.append(default_task) continue new_task_group.append(task_group) task_info[self.seen_task_key][self.task_group_key] = new_task_group _index_path = FileOps.join_path(self.save_dir, self.kb_index) FileOps.dump(task_info, _index_path) return f"/file/download?files={self.kb_index}&name={self.kb_index}"
[docs] def update(self, task: UploadFile = File(...)): tasks = fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(name, "wb") as fout: fout.write(tasks) os.close(fd) upload_info = joblib.load(name) # TODO: to adapt unseen tasks task_groups = upload_info[self.seen_task_key][self.task_group_key] task_groups.extend( upload_info[self.unseen_task_key][self.task_group_key]) with Session(bind=engine) as session: # TODO: to adapt unseen tasks for task_group in task_groups: grp, g_create = get_or_create( session=session, model=TaskGrp, name=task_group.entry) if g_create: grp.sample_num = 0 grp.task_num = 0 session.add(grp) grp.sample_num += len(task_group.samples) grp.task_num += len(task_group.tasks) t_id = [] for task in task_group.tasks: t_obj, t_create = get_or_create( session=session, model=Tasks, name=task.entry) if task.meta_attr: t_obj.task_attr = json.dumps(task.meta_attr) if t_create: session.add(t_obj) sample_obj = Samples( data_type=task.samples.data_type, sample_num=len(task.samples), data_url=getattr(task, 'data_url', '') ) session.add(sample_obj) session.flush() session.commit() tsample = TaskSample(sample=sample_obj, task=t_obj) session.add(tsample) session.flush() t_id.append( model_obj, m_create = get_or_create( session=session, model=TaskModel, task=grp) model_obj.model_url = task_group.model.model model_obj.is_current = False if m_create: session.add(model_obj) session.flush() session.commit() transfer_radio = 1 / grp.task_num for t in t_id: t_obj, t_create = get_or_create( session=session, model=TaskRelation, task_id=t, grp=grp) t_obj.transfer_radio = transfer_radio if t_create: session.add(t_obj) session.flush() session.commit() session.query(TaskRelation).filter( TaskRelation.grp == grp).update( {"transfer_radio": transfer_radio}) session.commit() # todo: get from kb _index_path = FileOps.join_path(self.save_dir, self.kb_index) _index_path = FileOps.dump(upload_info, _index_path) return f"/file/download?files={self.kb_index}&name={self.kb_index}"